Portfolio Companies | In the News
Fund Performance Overview
Quarterly Reports
The highlights of Q3 2024 updates as provided by the company. Please note all updates provided are confidential and not for distribution. To access the file, use password: Q324FSF!
Annual Fund Report
2023 FirstStep Fund Performance Updates
The 2023 financial statements are as of and for December 31, 2023. Please note all updates provided are confidential and not for distribution. To access the file, use password: 2023FSFReport!
Annual Video Update
The lead partners share an overview of the fund's performance as of 12/31/2023 and provided the latest updates on its portfolio companies. If you were unavailable to attend, you can watch here.
Missed the latest update from Madison Reed? Catch up below.
Amy Errett, CEO & Founder of Madison Reed joined the investors to share an update on their latest milestones, financial overview, and upcoming raise.
First Step Portfolio Highlights
Companies & Leadership Team
The Portfolia FirstStep Fund is led by a world-class team of highly sophisticated and experienced investors who are leaders in their respective fields, as venture capitalists, angel investors, and innovators. Click on photos for full bios.
The Companies
Portfolia Fund Partners
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Full Harvest is empowering sustainability at the root level to help farms capture oddly-shaped & surplus produce that would otherwise go to waste to sell on their marketplace.