Introducing Portfolia Direct Investing Program
Portfolia Direct Investing lets you individually select and invest in a curated line-up of high-potential, fast-growth private companies, to maximize returns and impact.
Portfolia Direct Investing provides unique access to rare investing opportunities while providing you membership in a select community of 2,000 visionaries committed to using our financial power to shape our world. Whether you’re a Portfolia Fund investor ‘doubling down’ on select companies, or you prefer to make individual investments, Portfolia Direct Investing is designed for you.
Portfolia Direct Investing Provides:
Portfolia’s Direct Investment Portfolio
Portfolia’s prior Direct Investing companies show our reach, impact, networks, and returns:
One of the first $1B+ women’s health companies, Maven focuses on women’s health services through corporate partners in 50 countries.
Initially backed at the seed level, Portfolia has seen a 40X increase in the world’s fastest growing Spanish media company.
Now in final clinical trials, YourChoice Therapeutics intends to be the first male birth control pill, transforming reproductive health.
You likely use it, but haven’t seen it, as b.well powers many of the healthcare mobile platforms we use daily.
With Color Bars across the country, fast-growth consumer-brand Madison Reed is revolutionizing how we color our hair with organic just-in-time products.
Willow Breast frees Moms from the power cord, by providing wearable, invisible and quiet breast pumps.
A roll-up of organic foods for schools, government and supermarkets, GrubMarket is now a $2B unicorn in the food market.
Lighthouse Pharma leverages translational insights and extensive clinical experience to better understand and treat dementia and other disorders.
L-Nutra is a nutri-technology company dedicated to helping people increase their healthspan (healthy years of their lives) through fasting and nutrition.
Hey Jane offers virtual healthcare to women in need of an abortion that is safe, private, accessible, and a fraction of the cost of in-person medical abortion.
Current Direct Investing Opportunity
The current Portfolia Direct Investment is a rapidly growing company in the osteoporosis space, a $100 billion global market opportunity. Currently in manufacturing, with over 1,000 pre-sales, the company’s device is the first to target osteopenia or supplement those with osteoporosis, who are currently pursuing a pharmacological approach.
We’ll get you started reviewing the investment, following a short 20 minute on-boarding with our investor relations manager.
How It Works?
Investment Opportunities: Members can invest directly in 6-10 innovative, high-potential companies each year, with 1-3 opportunities offered quarterly. These companies are identified through Portfolia's funds for their innovation and potential.
Founder Access: Members participate in live presentations from founders or executive teams, with opportunities to ask questions and access company deal rooms and documents for thorough review.
Decision Timeline: Members typically have 10-14 days for due diligence to finalize their investment decisions and amounts. Portfolia strives to fulfill all investment requests but may adjust allocations as needed. Funds must be wired by the close date to secure an investment.
Ongoing Support: Investors receive quarterly and annual updates on their investments through a dedicated company update page.
Fees: A 10% upfront fee applies to initial investments, along with a 20% carry fee on profits after the return of the initial investment.
New Membership Offer: The annual membership fee is waived for first-time direct investors with Portfolia.
Portfolia is the world’s most powerful network of women investing in the companies we want in the world for returns and impact.
We’re using our unique experience, knowledge and influence to advance innovations in areas such as women’s health, active aging & longevity, sustainability & climate change and backing people of color and marginalized communities.
Our first fund launched in 2015 introducing a new, disruptive way for powerful, confident, diverse women to invest in venture capital, giving access to those who have been traditionally excluded from the conversation.